Ministries at Mary Magdalene Anglican Church

The prayer team prays for individual prayer needs of the parish, the diocese, and the national church. Intercessory prayer is offered during communion in the sacristy.

The Altar Guild takes care of sacred vessels and linens used during the various church services. They make sure the church is set for worship prior to Sunday morning and they clean up after.

Acolytes & Servers can be any age and are servants on the altar that assist the priest during worship.

Lay Readers read the scripture and prayers of the people during the church service.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers are chalice bearers during communion and take communion to the sick and homebound at the direction of the rector.
Youth Ministry is made up of the people in the church with a heart for young people.
We are Partnered with the Following Ministries
The Mag is always open to new ministry opportunities.
In addition to our current church ministries, The Mag is involved and supports many other ministries locally and around the globe. Examples of our partner ministries are:
The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding is a nonprofit organization committed to building strong families by serving to bridge the cultural-generational gap between parents and teenagers.
Cru is the name of Campus Crusade for Christ International in the U.S. Their mission is to win, build and send Christ-centered disciples. With a vision for movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus. See The Latest Prayer Letter From The Missionary We Support, Shannon
Food for the Soul is a ministry St. Mary Magdalene's Anglican Church supports and participates in to feed the hungry and aid the poor. Food for the Soul serves free, home cooked meals four days a week to anyone in need.