Is there more to life than this? Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? How can I have faith? Why and how should I pray? Why and how should I read the Bible?



Alpha’s mission is to equip churches, ministries, and individuals to help others discover and develop a relationship with Jesus. Alpha emphasizes the essentials that all denominations agree on. They believe that what unites us is infinitely greater than what divides us. Alpha is at its most effective as an evangelistic tool when done by and through the local church. By focusing on the essentials of the Christian faith, it opens the door for Alpha to be used in almost any context so that everyone has the opportunity to see their friends’ lives transformed by the gospel.


Who is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit do? How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? How can I make the most of the rest of my life? How can I resist evil? Why and how should I tell others? Does God heal today? What about the church?


We all have questions—meaning of life questions—that because of the hectic nature and busyness of life, we don’t take time to answer. We put them out of our mind, but they keep creeping back. If you are plagued by these questions, Alpha may be part of your answer.


The Mag Red EggThe Diocese of the CarolinasSt. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church is offering the Alpha Course to anyone who is interested, including young people age thirteen and above.

Every Wednesday from 6:00-7:30 pm October 4 – November 15.



Frank Schumpert

Phone: (803) 243-1157

Email: [email protected]



St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church

914 Market St. Camden, SC 29020 (We are on Google Maps.)

Phone: (803) 227-2197

Email: [email protected]