2021 Holy Week Calendar

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Wednesday, March 31

9:00 am: Morning Prayer in the Parish Hall.

No Adult Bible Study this evening.

Thursday, April 1 - Maundy Thursday 

5:15 pm: Seder Meal--Parish Youth and parents only.

6:30 pm: Maundy Thursday service

Friday, April 2 - Good Friday

9 am: Morning Prayer in the Parish Hall

Noon and 6:00 pm: Good Friday Service

Sunday, April 4 - Easter Sunday

10:30 am: Worship Service

MONDAY, APRIL 5 – Church closed.

No Youth Ministry tonight

Tuesday, April 6

Fr. Bill's Day off

6:00 pm - Vestry Meeting

Wednesday, April 7

9:00 am: Morning Prayer in the Parish Hall

6:30-7:30 pm: Adult Bible Study in the Parish Hall

6:30-7:30 pm: Zoom online Bible Study joins the onsite Adult Study.

Friday, April 9

9:00 am: Morning Prayer in the Parish Hall

Masks and social distancing will be required at all services. In addition, we will live stream the services in both the Narthex and the Parish Hall, making enough extra seating to provide for comfort and safety.